We still had four places to go in our city pass. Only one and half days left and the last half has been planned by dad.
Here was what we did. 10:00AM-3:30PM. Exploratorium was the first as it opens first and it the furthest from where we stayed. We spent almost five hours there and didn't feel we had enough. This was the place we highly recommended to everyone interested in science and technology. Dad was tricked by Bernouli phenomena as he knew very little about aerodynamics. One word for Exploratorium: Cool. It is a good match to silicon valley.
3:30PM-4:00PM. Then we got into car. Ray and I felt into sleep right away. Dad drove us to Museum of Modern Arts (MOMA), as it is the one close earliest. I woke up when we got there and Ray kept sleeping. He was put into stroller. 4:30PM-5:40PM. Then we had our one hour super-quick tour of MOMA before it was closed. Ray woke up and we all had some fruits outside MOMA. 5:40PM-6:30PM We went back to our condo as mom needs to get deposit from manager before weekend.
6:30PM-8:00PM Then dad drove us to Fisherman's wharf as the aquarium of bay was there. We saw gorgious golden jellyfish which we never saw in other aquariums. And we were allowed to touch a little shark. Scary? This was not a large aquarium but it did has a few things that would wow you.
8:00PM-10:00PM taste SF world famous cable car. Even at 8:00PM, we still waited for 40 minutes and the chilly wind from the bay ocean drove many people nuts that they didn't exactly follow the line and show courtesy to children and women. With Ray and I who need to be taken care and protected, dad could say more than: "Hey, I have already taken cable car."
Then finally we took a stop at a Pizza store, who claimed the best pizza in SF to have our dinner. Before that, we picniced everywhere with our whole food supply.
It was definitely a crazy day, which reminded dad his college days that the exam would be the next day but he hadn't quite finish reading the fourth chapter of the required ten chapters study. This time he passed again.