Happy birthday, Nathan and Will.
The most interesting thing is always in Ray's hands; the most curiosity is always in Tony's eyes. This is always the truth between older brother and little brother.
Water damage inspection
Austin had a record-like rain-drop. Our water bucket on our patio was completely full. Many parts of city got flooded. Our neighborhood creek was supposed to be full of water, so dad brought me to check it out in early morning.
Dad thinks this pose looks like a concerned prime minister.(忧国忧民的总理)
Tony's second week in school
The first week honeymoon was over. The second week Tony refused to get into his class. In the first couple of days, dad could convince Tony that Will and Ciara (Both Ray's buddies whom Tony knew before he went to school) were waiting for him. Then, this little trick stopped working. It really took some effort to get him into class. Usually it came with tears and loud cry. But every day, Tony was so happy when he was picked up in the afternoon. When dad asked how was his day, he always said: it's good.
Tony's first school day
Yesterday was Tony's first school day. Tony went to the same school as Ray, Brushy Creek Montessori. Tony started from Primary Two, three years and up, though Tony was three months shy of three years old. Ray told Tony a lot of rules as a senior. This is a great milestone for Tony. Congratulations, Tony!
I can help Ray
Ray wanted to eat popcorn. Grandma couldn't understand him while he kept saying: " I want popcorn." Grandma didn't know English.
" 外婆, 他要吃爆米花.(in Chinese, grandma, he wants to eat popcorn.)" Tony said.
"How did you know how to speak in Chinese?" Ray was puzzled.
Well, Tony could help Ray in some matter now.
" 外婆, 他要吃爆米花.(in Chinese, grandma, he wants to eat popcorn.)" Tony said.
"How did you know how to speak in Chinese?" Ray was puzzled.
Well, Tony could help Ray in some matter now.
Dental treatment
Tony had his teeth done this Wednesday. It went pretty well. He didn't remember much as laugh gas really worked well on him.
After we went home, he told mom:"My lip is so fat." That was the effect of anesthesia. We were kinda surprised that he used the word fat. Fairly accurate.
From now on, we are gonna be really careful. Don't let this happen again.
After we went home, he told mom:"My lip is so fat." That was the effect of anesthesia. We were kinda surprised that he used the word fat. Fairly accurate.
From now on, we are gonna be really careful. Don't let this happen again.
Marketing trick doesn't work here
Tony is diaper trained now. To avoid accident at night, mom bought some Toy story pull-up pants from Costco.
Tony insisted these were diapers. "They are not pants, they are diapers. I am a big boy now, I don't want diapers."
In the end, we have to tell him that he has to wear diaper when he sleeps.
"OK. But they are not pants, they are diapers." Tony said.
Tony insisted these were diapers. "They are not pants, they are diapers. I am a big boy now, I don't want diapers."
In the end, we have to tell him that he has to wear diaper when he sleeps.
"OK. But they are not pants, they are diapers." Tony said.
Twelve pound gorrila
Tony's quotation
Tony picked up flowers for Mom every time he came back from park. And he said: girl likes flowers.
"What does boys like?" dad asked.
"Boys like to eat and drink." Tony replied.
On Tooth decay
Tony had tooth decay. Here is some useful info we found online.
In modern society, especially in America, tooth decay incidents have left even common cold and influenza behind as most infectious disease in children. Most kindergarten students suffer from contagious condition of baby teeth and most common reason behind is lack of information or negligent parenting style. Many times, moms or caregivers who prefer close contact pass oral bacteria to children unknowingly and/or put the baby to bed with the bottle. Inadequate fluoride in baby's diet may also cause decay in baby teeth.
Primary or baby teeth are temporary but they are important for chewing and speaking and hurt awfully, if they have cavities in them. They also hold space in jaw for permanent teeth and cavities that reach their roots may increase the risk of decay in permanent teeth. Here are some tips for cavity control and to prevent tooth decay in children:
Primary or baby teeth are temporary but they are important for chewing and speaking and hurt awfully, if they have cavities in them. They also hold space in jaw for permanent teeth and cavities that reach their roots may increase the risk of decay in permanent teeth. Here are some tips for cavity control and to prevent tooth decay in children:
- At night, fill baby's bottle with water while putting him or her to bed.
- Babies may sprout teeth around 6 months and you should brush them twice each day.
- Children who love chewing gums may be given ones that contain xylitol to decrease the tooth decay risk.
- Drink fruit juices only at meals and use carbonated beverages in a limit until the baby is about two and a half years old as they promote tooth decay.
- For newborns and infants that don't have teeth yet, clean their mouths with a damp cloth after the feedings.
- Give fluoride to the baby, only if recommended by the pediatrician.
- Have baby's first oral health risk assessment at six months and then a comprehensive examination by a dentist when he or she is 2 years old.
- Mom's or caregiver's oral health and the baby's oral health are closely relates. So, practice good personal oral hygiene, brush your teeth twice well and floss teeth at least once daily.
- Never give carbonated drinks to your baby and give no more than 4 to 8 ounces of juice daily to the baby and that too only at mealtime.
- Never share utensils with the baby or suck on his or her pacifier or bottle, even for fun.
- Regular visits to dentist are a must for parents with small children.
- Use a fluoride toothpaste and alcohol-free mouthwash with fluoride at night to rinse the mouth.
- When baby's teeth start touching each other, start flossing them daily.
Ipod touch guru
What a biker!
This picture was taken in Champion park. Tony rode his little bike to Ch
ampion park! Actually Ray started riding Tony's bike and Tony was put into stroller by dad. That was how the trip was planned. Tony complained all the way that Ray was riding Tony's bike. In order to let him know that it was a right decision to put him in the stroller, dad asked Ray to give bike to Tony to give a try. It was intended to see him fail and have a lesson. But it end ed up with Tony rode all the way to the park and poor Raymond was sitting in the stroller along the way.
OK, dad was the one who had a lesson.
OK, dad was the one who had a lesson.
Ipod touch works
Tony doesn't want dad to leave for work.
"I need to go to work to make money for us." Dad said.
"No." Tony was firm.
"Do you want dad to buy candy for you?" This line used to work.
"No, I don't want candy." Not any more.
"Do you want dad to buy toys for you?"
"No. I don't want toy."
... Dad stuttered.
"Do you want dad to buy a iouch for you?"
"... OK, I want itouch."
Serious Kung-Fu kids
Happy Easter!
Short fever
Tony has a fever 102.7F two days ago. It was so bad that he laid in bed and asked for medicine himself. He was still concerned to go to see a doctor though. Two Hours after he took kid's Tynalo, he started running around with Ray. Next day, he recovered completely. We had never seen such a quick recovery.
Who is more colorful?
Something I can handle
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