
Water damage inspection

Austin had a record-like rain-drop. Our water bucket on our patio was completely full. Many parts of city got flooded. Our neighborhood creek was supposed to be full of water, so dad brought me to check it out in early morning.
Dad thinks this pose looks like a concerned prime minister.(忧国忧民的总理)


Tony's second week in school

The first week honeymoon was over. The second week Tony refused to get into his class. In the first couple of days, dad could convince Tony that Will and Ciara (Both Ray's buddies whom Tony knew before he went to school) were waiting for him. Then, this little trick stopped working. It really took some effort to get him into class. Usually it came with tears and loud cry. But every day, Tony was so happy when he was picked up in the afternoon. When dad asked how was his day, he always said: it's good.
  • The link to My brother Ray