
three musketeer

Aaron stayed with us for two weeks as aunt went back to China for grandpa's funeral. My trip had to be delayed for getting my passport and visa. Houston Chinese embassy is still closed as Ike cut off the electricity supply.

An interesting oberservation of dad. When George (a neighbor boy at Aaron's age) is around, Ray is the guy left out by Aaron and tries his best to join in. When Aaron, Ray and Tony are together, Tony is the one blocked out of the built little castle imagined as an enemy, even though Tony is completely capable of crawling in through the little gate(actually it is easier for Tony to get in). When Aaron is not around, two brothers play well as the best buddies. It is always true that the powerful ones get together. They like to deal with each other and know how to deal with each other. Nations are like kids in this way. You rarely see United States and Fiji get into the same news except golf. Political economy explains this purely by economic interests. Is it true that people show ceratin characteristics both as a group and as an individual other than economic interest?

OK, dad will let Tony or Ray figure this out.


Nine month check-up

Weight, 21'8", between 50~75% percentile
Height, 30'10", higher than 95% percentile
Just as Doctor said, I am a tall and lean dude.
By the way, when Ray was ten months old, he weighed like 26~27 pounds with pretty much the same height. Mom and dad couldn't figure out how that much meat could be added on such a little body. Ray just did it! OK, you are big brother.
We are planning going back to China soon. My chinese name finally settled down with more rejections than infant powder milks nowadays. 阳畅历. Many heavy weights at family still thought this name was just satisfactory. Ray's chinese name was frequently quoted as a comparison.

If you asked dad, he could tell you the long way how 阳畅历 came up and got approved finally. It is not much easier than getting a new medicine approved by FDA. Also, don't compare anything between Ray and me. We are just as different as a rooster from a boar.


as nimble as a squarrel

This morning, after sending Ray to school, Mom put Tony in his cribe for his first nap today. As usual, Tony fought a little bit for mom's attention. Mom left him in the room alone and listened him next door.

Tony kept making a little noise, as usual. Suddenly mom heard loud unusual cry. She rushed into Tony's room. Tony was standing up in his cribe. Tony certainly got scared by his first standing-up and didn't know how to handle it, other than crying for help. A few days past nine month mark, this little dude can stand up himself now.

Action item for dad this evening, lower the cribe by at least two levels.
  • The link to My brother Ray