
Nine month check-up

Weight, 21'8", between 50~75% percentile
Height, 30'10", higher than 95% percentile
Just as Doctor said, I am a tall and lean dude.
By the way, when Ray was ten months old, he weighed like 26~27 pounds with pretty much the same height. Mom and dad couldn't figure out how that much meat could be added on such a little body. Ray just did it! OK, you are big brother.
We are planning going back to China soon. My chinese name finally settled down with more rejections than infant powder milks nowadays. 阳畅历. Many heavy weights at family still thought this name was just satisfactory. Ray's chinese name was frequently quoted as a comparison.

If you asked dad, he could tell you the long way how 阳畅历 came up and got approved finally. It is not much easier than getting a new medicine approved by FDA. Also, don't compare anything between Ray and me. We are just as different as a rooster from a boar.


  • The link to My brother Ray