
Dad's careless actions in one day

After we had a tour in UT campus, we went to Hula Hut for lunch. After lunch we saw two gigantic turtles, two monster catfish and a bunch of mellow at waterside. Then we went to Austin Nature Center. A old gentleman met us in the parking lot. I was interested in his two dogs. He chatted a little bit with me.
Then we need to go so he said something to dad and mom. It was fairly noisy as the parking lot was right under highway route one.
Dad thought he said something like: have a good day etc.
So dad replied:"You too."
While we left him, mom told dad:"What he said was: Tony is very cute."

When we returned our car, dad accidentally locked key in the trunk while he was putting stroller in. Their phones were locked in too. We had to borrowed a hiker's phone in the trail to contact for help. Dad's friend Mr. Daniel saved us. Then we had a lobster party at his house. Dad and Mr. Daniel had two bottles of wines, which was a little too much for dad. Accident like this was a pretty scary thing if you were with kids. Maybe wine could help him relax a little bit.


  • The link to My brother Ray