Ray sucked his finger when he was little. Mom and dad didn't mind as books said sucking finger soothes babies. Tony likes to suck his fingers too. But now the rule is changed as we have a big boss in the house.
Yesterday, Tony was laying in his carry-seat and enjoying sucking his chubby fingers. It was a nice warm sunny afternoon. Birds were chirping in the backyard, a little breeze was gently shaking the trees. All sounds accompanying with Tony's finger sucking 'ze ze' were in perfect harmony in our quiet house. Life was good.
Ray saw it . Without a hesitation, he jumped to Tony and pulled Tony's little fingers right away from Tony's little mouth. And Ray told Tony firmly:'DON'T EAT YOUR FINGERS'. Mom didn't teach that. Dad didn't teach that. Who taught that is not important. What is important is that we got a new boss in our house. At least, he could boss Tony around.
Poor Tony!