
Expanding my territory

Nowadays I am able to play around our front yard. Our street is full of gangsters. Only can tough guys survive.
Our facial expression is a response to seeing a half-naked George wearing only his swimming pants and running around in early March.
Sure, front yard is more fun!
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Oak brook spring

100 yards from my home. This little brook is full of willows and crawfish. It is kids' paradise of having a little wild fun and dad's paradise of photo-shooting kids having wild fun.
Those willows are fast. Ray's job was catching fish. He got a score of zero. My job was throwing rocks around. I scored big.

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smooth and rough

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Chocolate is my love

This is not about football game day face paint, though it is a good idea to paint it with Chocolate. Players in game can get some easy calories just by licking their own faces. Our neighbor's dog really has a good nose. She was all over me that day.

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ER visit

I went to ER with dad after Ray jammed my little finger in a door. Ray was trying to stop me getting into bathroom playing water. This was the first real family emergency. Dad got my finger out of the door. The first look of my injured finger scared dad a lot. Mom started crying, as dad refused to show my finger to her. He covered my finger with his hand, as he didn't want to scare her. On his mind, something major happened. I cried about 5 minutes while they are waiting for me to calm down and mom was calling ER service. Like a Miracle, my little finger reformed back to normal shape like a sponge in five minutes. You would think I am a superman alike. Then we went to Round Rock hospital ER, where I was born next door. After X-ray exam, doctor thought I was all right. Baby had very flexible bones, the doctor said. It was pretty amazing to dad that I behaved like nothing happened right after such a severe injury.
Our in-house doors are all gonnga be full of door blockers.

Dad had been in U.S. for ten years. He visited ER once when he had a pretty bad cut on his leg after a basketball game. He was just trying to jump over a bank but certainly two hours game drained him up so his jump wasn't as high as he wished. That experience wasn't fun as he didn't have a little bit of sense of emergency in the ER trip. Before the cut saw a doctor, he had waited for four hours in the waiting room. If TV show 'ER' had four episodes like this, they wouldn't last for more than a week.


15 months check-up

Weight: 23'8", ~25% to 50%
Height: 33'6", ~90% to 95%
Doctor said that I was doing well and there were nothing to worry about my weight percentile.
Ray finished two bottles of 8 ounce milk once without a stop at this age, I rarely finished one bottle of 4 ounce milk in about an hour. That is the conservation of mass law.


Dad's fantasy

Ray worked hard to pull my wagon. This really reminded dad 沙和尚拉着白龙马。I was so calm and so handsome, no argement to be the 唐僧. Dad was so cool and nimble, just like 孙悟空. By the way, 孙悟空 was always running in front, just like dad did. Who else was still missing, 猪八戒! Em, we got a pretty good fit.

(sorry I talked a little about characters in an old chinese novel, you will konw what I am talking about if you have read <<西游记>>.)

Ball kicking

Our city home address is Austin. But Austin library said we should be part of Round Rock as our tax goes. Round Rock libary said we should go to Austin lib as our home address goes. We felt we were like a ball being kicked back and forth.
There came up with a solution, we joined Austin library system as a legal Texas resident. What a generous offer to all Texans! It is not that important where your city home address is. What matters is that you live in Texas. This is a new policy set in last summer. I was wondering if this policy is related with gas price somehow.
Anyway, what makes dad happier is UT library system accept us as courtesy borrower for FREE. Wow! Way to go being a scholar!
  • The link to My brother Ray