(sorry I talked a little about characters in an old chinese novel, you will konw what I am talking about if you have read <<西游记>>.)
Dad's fantasy
Ray worked hard to pull my wagon. This really reminded dad 沙和尚拉着白龙马。I was so calm and so handsome, no argement to be the 唐僧. Dad was so cool and nimble, just like 孙悟空. By the way, 孙悟空 was always running in front, just like dad did. Who else was still missing, 猪八戒! Em, we got a pretty good fit.
(sorry I talked a little about characters in an old chinese novel, you will konw what I am talking about if you have read <<西游记>>.)
(sorry I talked a little about characters in an old chinese novel, you will konw what I am talking about if you have read <<西游记>>.)
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